Your family’s answer to better sleep

Solving your Child's Sleep Troubles, Together
I’m Susan Lattuca and I’m thrilled that you have found the last stop in your exhausting search for solving your child’s sleep challenges.
If you are reading this, I'm guessing your little one is having some rough nights ... which means YOU are having rough nights, too. I feel you because I've been there. As a mother of two, who were both troubled sleepers, I know the challenge of getting through the day with little to no sleep. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I can help!

You might need a sleep consultant if:
Your child is being rocked or nursed to sleep
Your child wakes many times throughout the night
Your child is sleeping in your bed
Your child is waking up way too early to start the day
Your toddler refuses to fall asleep without you by their side
Naps are a struggle
Bedtime is the least favorite time of the day for everyone
You get anxious at bedtime or nap time
If this sounds like you, then you need to know that you are not alone and help is just a click away. I'd love to set up a call to chat about what's going on, everyone deserves good sleep, so let's get started!

The Method
No one likes to hear their baby cry. No one. And although I don't use the Cry It Out method, tears are often involved. Why? Because babies cry, that is how they communicate, and they will be telling you, through tears, that they don't like change. And that is exactly what sleep shaping/training is - it is changing the way your child falls asleep. With my program, we will work together to make the transition to sleep as smooth and easy as possible for everyone involved. I will teach you what to expect and exactly what to do which is nearly half the battle.
I believe our jobs as parents is to make our babies and children feel safe and secure and also to teach them good habits. This is true when learning how to sleep as well and this philosophy is the cornerstones of my methods. My methods, while not no-cry, are the most supportive options of sleep shaping/training available. They are based on an interval reassurance program with the option of staying in the room with your child with a gradual exit plan.
You will be involved in supporting your child in this work - they will not be left to do this completely on their own! I walk my clients through a sequence of scaffolded steps that will teach your baby the skills necessary to fall asleep on their own and stay asleep without the help of anyone or anything. Sleep is a skill that can be taught and nearly all sleep challenges can be solved with the right coaching. And, through this work, you will continue to support your child in forming a secure child-parent attachment.
Finally, at the end of our work, you will have a Star Sleeper, a happy child, and you will be back in control, knowing how to respond to your child's sleep needs...as a bonus, you will be getting good sleep yourself!